Securing the Enigmatic Moon of Nokstella Talisman in Elden Ring
11 Mar 2024

In the vast, mystical lands of Elden Ring lie many artifacts of legend, each with its own lore and power. Among them is the elusive Moon of Nokstella talisman. While it may not be the most popular charm among the Tarnished, its additional memory slots for your spells may pique the interest of sorcerers aiming for a versatile arsenal. This guide will lead you step-by-step through the journey of acquiring the Moon of Nokstella talisman, ensuring your safe passage through treacherous paths and guiding you toward this unique item.
Preparing for the Journey
Before embarking on this quest, ensure that you are adequately prepared. You'll need to have sufficient strength, provisions, and wit to navigate the obstacles lying in your path. Pack enough healing flasks, ensure your armor is up to par, and ready your most trusted weapons. The Moon of Nokstella is nestled deep within enemy territory, and preparation is key to your success.
Step 1: Advancing Ranni's Questline
The first step to obtaining the Moon of Nokstella is to immerse yourself in the service of Ranni the Witch. Progress through her narrative until you present her with the Fingerslayer Blade. This act of servitude allows you entry into Renna's Rise, where a portal awaits to whisk you away to the Ainsel River — your next notable milestone on this odyssey.
Step 2: From Ainsel River to Nokstella
At the Ainsel River Main site of grace, muster your courage and head southwest. You'll encounter a Malformed Star; though it may tempt you into battle, your goal lies beyond this foe. Find the stream leading out of this area; it's your pathway to the hidden jewel of Nokstella, Eternal City. Upon arrival, make sure to secure the Nokstella, Eternal City site of grace. This will be your beacon and haven as you venture forth.
Step 3: Navigating to the Throne
Your resolve will be tested as you ascend the stairs west of the grace site. Steel yourself for encounters with a Nox Swordstress and a cavalcade of Silver Tears—the city's silent protectors. Be strategic in your confrontations, or use stealth to your advantage to conserve your vitality for what lies ahead.
Step 4: Overcoming the Silver Spheres
Further down the path, two Silver Spheres await. One ambushes unwary travelers from a stairway, while the other lurks on a ceiling, ready to descend upon intruders. These encounters offer both challenge and opportunity, as each sphere defeated gifts you a Larval Tear — an item of considerable worth.
Facing the First Silver Sphere
Observe its behavior and strike when the moment is ripe. With agility and focus, you can defeat it and claim its reward.
Confronting the Second Silver Sphere
Engage the sphere hanging off the building's interior. This battle will test both your reflexes and spatial awareness. Triumph and the Larval Tear is yours.
Step 5: Claiming the Moon of Nokstella
Upon besting the ceiling-mounted sphere, seek the exit on the building's west. A bridge unfolds before you, leading to your final destination — a room with an imposing, vacated throne. Here lies the chest with the Moon of Nokstella, protected by adversaries determined to thwart your quest. You may choose to confront them or maneuver swiftly to the chest and retrieve your prize before making a hasty retreat.
Step 6: Securing Your Prize
Open the chest with confidence, and you shall be the new bearer of the Moon of Nokstella talisman. The additional memory slots at your disposal allow for more complexity in your spells, a boon for those who favor sorcery.
In Conclusion
The Moon of Nokstella may not have the allure of other legendary items within Elden Ring, but for the arcanist who values flexibility in magic above all, it's a talisman worth seeking. While it might be relegated to a niche purpose, the power it confers upon those who harness it is undeniable. Now go forth, Tarnished, with the Moon of Nokstella as your silent ally, an emblem of your journey's victory and perseverance.